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  • Writer's pictureJennie Meyer

Last time, we talked a bit about the advantages of toddler nursing. But what if you are needing or wanting to wean, at whatever age? This is certainly something I can help with as an IBCLC. Ideally, weaning is done gradually and with love :) Give your baby and your body time to adjust to the changes, if you are able.


Here are some weaning tips to consider...

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  • Writer's pictureJennie Meyer

Perhaps you've set a goal to breastfeed until one year, and that time has come? Maybe you are what? Do I have to wean? Do I want to wean? Are there any advantages to nursing beyond age one?


In fact, yes, there are advantages!

But also, no, it is not all or nothing!

Take a look at this wisdom on toddler nursing from La Leche League...

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  • Writer's pictureJennie Meyer

Oftentimes, parents mention to be that their babies NEVER WANT TO BE PUT DOWN! Let me assure you that this is really, really, really normal, especially in the 4th trimester ;) These babies don't understand that they are their own person/entity, and being held and cuddled feels like "home" to them. I am a huge advocate of "babywearing," which is using a soft or structured carrier to tie or buckle baby on...leading to your hands being free and a content baby who may sleep longer between feeds. This is such a wonderful way for partners to help as well ;)


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